
Showing posts from December, 2017

Class evaluation

       Some things that I like about this class is that we are able to improve our typing skills here. Also this class is strict on bullying and interruptions and I for one like that.             Something that I don't like about this class is that the lessons seem a bit repetitive and although the class is good it gets slightly boring since we already know what to do which is repeated.             A recommendation that i have is to not have us do the same thing on a different topic each day because it kinda makes the class not so interesting.              The highlight for me in this class is being able to improve my typing since it is saving me time.         I honestly did not do my best in this class. I say this since sometimes I wouldn't care about the assign...


Well it's Christmas time and I bet my bottom dollar that you might want to play a great tune or song, but what is music? Is it just lyrics that people like, or something that we just accepted out of no where. Well today I'll be talking about how music came to be and its origin as well. Now with some research that I did I figured that music was originated among the Hela civilization in the time of King Ravana and this dates back all the way to the prehistoric era. Well now that we know where music came from lets see what this soulful art is used for. Well you see music is used for expressing emotion towards others. Also as some of might do with music you might dance with joy to it, be soothe, enrage, sadden, make each other happy, or even make ourselves happy as well. Also as some of you might know since you might do this is depending on certain times you might play specific music. For example at a party you might put on some joyful music. This is because music expresses differ...


"Take responsibility for YOUR OWN body, mind, and spirit, for your own physical health, mental, and spiritual well-being."- Mr. C Haymore once said as a statement for us. He said this so we can think more clearly and take care of ourselves as well. For example he wants us to be more atentive for ourselves and caring as well so one thing he would want us to do is not smoke. A reason for this is since this takes care of our physical health and not smoking would be the way to go since it is dangerous for all of us as well. Also we should take responsibility for the things that we do so it can improve our mental health as well. Now lets say that you chose to smoke every day, well the chances are that you would die and hurt your physical health as well. Also lets say that you always lie and never take responsibility well eventually you'll get caught and also your mental health won't be all that good either as well. This is my reflection for this statment and TR!.

The harmful effects of smoking!

People all around the world smoke something and especialy cigarets but is this really good for you? The answer for this is no smoking is one of the leading causes of death and also harms your body pretty bad as well. If you smoke, smoking can be faital for your lungs for in the fact that it can leave you with lung cancer. Also if you do smoke coughs, colds, wheezing and asthma will just the start. Also smoking can cause fatal dieases such as pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer.Also 84% of smoking deaths are caused by lung cancer. Smoking leaves a 1 in 5 death rate in smoking and is responsible for 480,000 deaths we have a year. Also on average smokers die 10 years earlier than non-smokers. Also smoking has become so popular that 90% of teens smoke. Now you might be wondering on how we can stop smoking well the answer to that is to not buy tobacco products and protest against tobacco companies as well. Also to conclude this I am commited to not use tobacco product or smoke ever in my l...

intelligence plus character

"intelligence is not enough. intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education." this quote is by Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. With this statment Mr.King is trying to tell us that having a good character adds on to us doing good in our education. For example lets say that you have a positive character and also an intelligent person as well. The truth is that you are most likely to have a better education because your positive attitude helps you learn better and Mr. King wants us to have a better character for this reason. Also with having a good character people will see you as a jolly, helpful, and kind person as well. Now lets say that your a person with a negative character disliking everything around you and not caring what happens around you. Well in the long run with your education is not going to be as good as the person who does have a positive attitude. This is because with a negative attitude you won't care on what happens and you won't focus much...

Stop and Start

" We need the courage to start and continue what we should do, and the courage to stop what we shouldn't do." this statement is from Richard L. Evans and what he is trying to tell us is that things that we are doing that are good we should continue and stop when we do bad. For example lets say that if you give a donation or support someone daily. That is something that you should continue to do because it is something that is doing the right and you should continue to do that. Now lets say that you started to steal some items from a store and it starts to become a habit for you. Well that is something that you should stop to do because one it is not right to steal from others or stores and two if you continue that you will eventually get caught and the consequences will be harsh on you. It is better to continue to do something good because people can reflect on your good behavior and then beleve that your a good person as well. This shows that your positive to your comun...