intelligence plus character
"intelligence is not enough. intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education." this quote is by Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. With this statment Mr.King is trying to tell us that having a good character adds on to us doing good in our education. For example lets say that you have a positive character and also an intelligent person as well. The truth is that you are most likely to have a better education because your positive attitude helps you learn better and Mr. King wants us to have a better character for this reason. Also with having a good character people will see you as a jolly, helpful, and kind person as well. Now lets say that your a person with a negative character disliking everything around you and not caring what happens around you. Well in the long run with your education is not going to be as good as the person who does have a positive attitude. This is because with a negative attitude you won't care on what happens and you won't focus much on your work either as well. With saying this Mr.King wants us to have a good attitude so we can care on what we do and how we do as well. This is my reflection on this statement and remember to CTR!!!
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