Coach Pam Knox

" It's a great moment when someone has the character to step up and do the right thing at the right time."- Coach Pam Knox once said. This quote has great meaning in it for if someone does something good it feels good at the moment. It doesn't matter how big or small this deed might have been because it still feels good. For example Coach Pam Knox had a game in witch one of her players hit there first home-run. Unfortunately she fell to the ground since she suddenly got injured on her leg. her teammates where unable to help her out because it would have been a violation if they touched her. so with that in mind her team was unable to do anything for her at that moment so the other team helps her out instead. They helped her her to every base letting her left foot touch them and to the home base. The opposing team did lose but they did something that was right and it made them feel god for doing that. So when you do right things it makes you feel good about yourself and it rubs on to the person your helping as well. So CTR and help out others as well.


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