Benjamin Franklin
"Great beauty, great strength, and great rices are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all."- Benjamin Franklin once said. To me this quote means that if you have a kind heart and a kind person you already achieved greatness. Having a right heart means that you do the right things and help those in need one way or another. For example lets say that your going out for a stroll of the city. You come across a homeless person laying down and looking very hungry from the lack of food. You chose to go somewhere nearby to but the poor man some food so he can have a good lunch and dinner for the day. You return with something for the man to eat and most likely the man will be happy for you doing this good deed. You leave the man and he starts eating and although you made someones day you also made yours because you decided to do the right thing. Having a good heart is the key to life because without one you would be cruel and end up in jail. I agree with this statement and CTR.
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