Albert Einstein statement

Image result for albert einstein"What's right isn't always popular. What's popular isn't always right."- Albert Einstein once said. This is indeed a interesting statement because most things that are popular are not always the right thing to do such as drinking and smoking. But there are things that aren't as popular but they are the nice or right thing to do such as Joe's street park haircuts for those who are not able to afford it and is free with him. For example lets say that your the type of person to go with what's popular. You would most likely end up drinking a lot and harm your body since it isn't the right thing to do. Now lets say that your the unique type of person and decide to do things that aren't popular like Joe and help out the community in one way or another. You would be doing something that is right for everyone because some people don't have much and the simplest of things do bring a smile on a persons face. This is my reflection on this statement and I believe that everyone should do something kind for there community.


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