
Showing posts from March, 2018

Abraham Lincoln

" I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong."- Abraham Lincoln once said. To me this statement means a great deal about how one should be. This statement works with us being true to ourselves and CTR. For example Lincoln once borrowed a book and it wash damaged to the rain. Instead of not paying it back he did 3 days of hard labor to repay the owner. Also he once had a shop and gave a women short change on accident. His job wasn't well as well to add on to but he walked 6 miles to return the proper change. He could have left it like that but he didn't because he was true to himself. You see it's better to be true and honest than to not be. So be true to yourself and CTR.

Psychiatric aide

Duties and responsibilities: Assist mentally impaired or emotionally disturbed patients, working under direction of nursing and medical staff. May assist with daily living activities, lead patients in educational and recreational activities, or accompany patients to and from examinations and treatments. Salary: $25,400 per year Education: R equire completion of high school, and many require a driver's license to aid in the transport of clients to outside activities or appointments.   Demand or need: Must have a few months of training and going to workshops. Picture:  Reflection:I would want to work in this profession because it pays well and schooling is not to difficult.


Duties and responsibilities: Podiatrist  treat a variety of foot and ankle ailments, including calluses, ingrown toenails, heel spurs, and arch problems. They also treat foot and leg problems associated with diabetes and other diseases. Some podiatrist  spend most of their time performing advanced surgeries, such as foot and ankle reconstruction. Salary: $119,340 Education: Doctoral or Professional Demand or need: Must take a 3 year residency program. Picture: Reflection: I would not want to work in this profession because it doesn't interest me.

Plastic surgeon

Duties and responsibilities:O perates on a patient's face or body in order to repair or reconstruct the area. As a plastic  surgeon, you may perform two types of surgery cosmetic surgery  to improve appearance and reconstructive surgery  to correct appearance after an injury or to improve bodily function. Salary: $407,709 per year Education: Doctor of medicine and Doctor of Osteopathic of medicine degree Demand or need: Must take a doctor of medicine program  includes four years of education and training. Picture: Reflection:I would not want to be a plastic surgeon because I feel that I would be overwhelmed and also because i'm not interested.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

" Character is higher than intellect."-Ralph Waldo Emerson once said. To me this quote means a great deal because if you don't have character then your not much of a good person. Having character means that you are a good person, team player, and that you chose the right. You might be intellect but character overpasses that because it is better to be a kind person than an intelligent person. For example lets say that your a straight a student and good with your academics. You might be a straight A student but you're always disrespectful and do drugs and get drunk all the time. More than likely your not a very rounded person and that's because of your character. Now lets say that you're a Straight A student again but this time you also have a good character. You'll most likely be likable for your intelligence and your character. If you have good character you'll most likely live well but if not then you might struggle so have a good character.

Physical therapy assistant

Duties and responsibilities:H elp Physical therapist   provide care to patients. Under the direction and supervision of physical therapist , they give therapy   through exercise, massage, gait and balance training, and the reputic  modalities, such as electrical stimulation and ultrasound. Salary: $42,980 per year Education:    T wo-year associate degree   program Demand or need: Must be licence d Picture: Reflection:I would not want to work in this profession because it pays low and it doesn't fit my interest.

Tyler Haws

" I trust that my hard work will pay off."-Tyler Haws once said. This statement holds a great meaning in which is true in many ways. To me this statement means that you can only achieve what you want by your own effort. For example lets say that you want to join the football team but you don't yet fit the requirements. Your coach gives you a maximum of 2 months to fit the requirements if you want to be in the team. Within that time you go out and train daily so you can get in the team and eventually you did get the requirements down so you chose to train even more to assure your spot in the team. once the 2 months pasted the coach sees that your in shape and good to be on the team. Now lets say that you do the opposite. you have the 2 months but instead of training you decide to just go out and slack off with your friends. The deadline for you comes and the coach doesn't let you on the team because you aren't fit for it. As you can see the more effort you put in...

Physical Therapist

Duties and responsibilities: Physical Therapist  are key to recovery for some patients who are recuperating from injuries, illnesses, and surgery. They work with patients to help them regain movement and manage pain, either in a hospital or clinical setting. Salary: $84,020 per year Education: Education level for this profession is a Doctoral or Professional degree. Demand or need: M ust be licensed and take an exam.   Picture: Reflection: I would want to be a Physical therapist because it seems easy and it pays fairly well.

Brigham Young

"True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what's right."-Brigham Young once said. This quote truly has a good meaning in the sense that you have freedom in doing what's right. For example lets say that you want to go out with some friends. You ask your parents if you can go out and they say yes if only if you can run some errands. You do what they ask from you and go out doing the errands for them. When you return from them they let you go out with your friends since you did was right and listened to your parents. Now lets say that you did the opposite of this. You ask your parents if you may go out and the same scenario accrues. Instead of doing whats asked you decide to go to sleep and freshen up to go out. When your friends come for you, you are not able to go since you didn't do anything so you can't go out. So do whats right.


Duties and responsibilities:  Prepares medications by reviewing and interpreting physician orders; detecting therapeutic incompatibilities. Dispenses medications by compounding, packaging, and labeling pharmaceuticals. Controls medications by monitoring drug therapies; advising interventions. Salary:$121,500 per year Education: Needs a Doctoral or Professional degree. Demand or need: N eed to complete prerequisite coursework in biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, humanities, and social sciences. Picture: Reflection: I would be a pharmacist because it seems quite simple and also this profession pays well as well.

George Chapmam

" They're only truly great who are truly good."- George Chapman once said. This quote means that if you are a good person then your a great person as well. For example lets say that your the type of person to always help others out despite your differences. You would be like-able and also a amazing person as well. Now lets say that your a rude ungrateful person who doesn't care about anything but themselves. they are most likely the type of person to be discriminated against and also not so popular as well instead they will be just not cared for. This is my reflection on this statement and it is better to CTR than be rude and CTW.


Duties and responsibilities: T reat patients who have gum disease and other issues of the gums and bones surrounding the jaw. Your work may be surgical or non-surgical and might include tasks like placing implants, developing treatment plans, and providing preventative care. Salary: $305,820 per year Education: C omplete four years of dental school, you are not quite finished.  Periodontist are required to complete a Periodonitic  residency, which is usually three years long.  Demand or need: Needs to pass a written or ora l exam. Picture:  Reflection: I would not want to be a periodontist because I feel like I wouldn't be able to handle such a profession.

George Mitchell

"many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn't. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don't do it."- George Mitchell once said. To me this quote has good meaning in the sense of cheating. Cheating is something that feels good for a reward but you then feel regret and bad for it later on. For example lets say that your going to take a test today and didn't study. Well most likely your going to fail and get a low score on it. You then ask your friend that always gets an A if you can copy his/hers answers so you won't fail. He agrees to that request and lets you copy. you might have gotten that A but later on you start to think about it and begin to feel bad because you where dishonest and cheated. Now lets say that you did the opposite. You still didn't study but you chose to take it honestly. You still get a bad score but you feel proud since you didn't need to ...

musical composer

Duties and responsibilities:  Creates original musical  form or writes within circumscribed musical  form, such as sonata, symphony, or opera. Salary: $99,210 per year Education:  You'll need an early exposure to music   and a bachelor's degree in composition, songwriting, film scoring or another related major to work as a composer. Demand or need: No direct demand but you do need to breath music or have a passion for it. Picture:  Reflection: I would want to be a musical composer because I have a great passion for music and I would love to work in musical profession as well.